Sheen Hair Salon

Motivational Notes

Check out the notes!

Well here’s an unlikely source of inspiration!

I was scanning the internet when I came across an article from 2014 and it’s fantastic to be honest!

Click the link below 👇👇👇

I don’t know about you, but our (delayed) train journeys normally consist of us rueing the fact we forgot our Kindle or headphones and having to suffer the ever-expanding celebrity section in the Metro.

But here we have a secret artist, brightening people’s day with just a pen and some Post-it notes.

The Post-its are awesome.

I’d absolutely swipe one if I found it stuck to the fold-down tray in front of us. Maybe we’d stick it to our salon desk - or our car’s sunflap.

Brilliant stuff!

One question it did bring up was, what we’d do if it was up to us to inspire the country’s commuters with post-its?

Apart from admitting to downgrading those awesome illustrations to stick-figures, we couldn’t think of anything more ‘awesome’.

Anyway, have a great week!


1 Apr

Sheen Hair Salon

2 Lichfield Terrace, Sheen Road
Richmond, Surrey
Tel: 020 894 06464
Sheen Hair Salon